We want to help people think differently about tomorrow… so they can act smarter today.

We do this by employing a foresight framework that helps identify probable, possible, and preferred futures. We start by looking at the past for trends and then extrapolating them into the future. By comparing known and measurable trends that are both probable and possible, we can build out a diverse set of realistic “possible futures.” Some of which are preferred, and many of which are not. We help make the preferred future more probable.
The universe of possible futures can then be further explored to see how each one impacts our clients’ specific goals. This allows us to analyze those futures that are preferred, and those to be avoided. We then investigate which trends and circumstances make certain futures more likely, and those that don’t. Our clients can then focus their efforts on activities that make their preferred future more likely. It also helps them identify meaningful changes earlier than most, so they can quickly respond and adapt for improved results.
We also take clients through exploratory exercises to promote divergent thinking, so we can get as many perspectives and variables on the table as possible. Once we have identified a robust universe of possible futures, we then reverse course to narrow down options and identify the ideal paths to one’s preferred future. It is important to remember that the one thing people cannot do (no matter how rigorous their analysis, or heroic their imagination may be) is to make a list of things that would never occur to them. It has been academically verified that focusing on one future, with a narrowband approach, makes forecasting accuracy worse than a dart-throwing chimp.